One more day until the weekend, so I figure why not give this blog a little loud noise today. Today’s song is “Giants” by the group called, Bear Hands. Pretty much all of their songs rock, but this is the one that I could not help myself but put on repeat and just blare it as loud as I could in my car. Great song if you want to blow off some steam.
Bear Hands – “Giants” (Behind The Scenes)
Now I am not exactly sure what this song means.. If you look at the lyrics they are very vague. I personally think that a majority of this song are inside jokes between the band members that only they will know what the song exemplifies. But whatever, I still love it! If I had to guess, it would be about an immature relationship evolving into a mature relationship and them telling the story along the way it progressed. Aaand then of course little inside jokes in between. Who knows. But if you enjoyed this song, Listen to their other song called
“Belongings” << (click to listen)
Bear Hands is ANOTHER NYC Indie band with a post-punk sound to them who started in 2006.
If you like this band as much as I do, Check out their tour dates on
Bear Hands Tour Dates
..Until next time
Follow @Tayloha32